Standing Orders for the Allocation of Financial Assistance to Participants in IARIW Conferences

This document summarizes the Association’s standing orders for allocation of financial assistance to participants in IARIW Conferences. It is important to stress that they are guidelines, not rigid rules, and that the IARIW Council gives the Financial Assistance Committee (FAC) the flexibility and discretionary authority to make decisions in a manner that it deems most in the interest of the Association. These standing orders may be revised by Council, at its discretion.

This programme aims to further the aims of the Association by providing financial assistance or bursaries to participants in IARIW Conferences. The primary goal is to provide assistance on a means-related basis so that individuals who could not otherwise attend are more likely to be able to do so.


1) In terms of the type of session, and other things being equal, applicants participating in a plenary session will be given highest priority, followed by applicants participating in concurrent sessions, and finally applicants participating in poster sessions.

2) In terms of the type of applicant, and other things being equal, applicants of sole-authored papers will be given higher priority than authors of jointly-authored papers. If funds remain after applications from paper givers have been considered, discussants may be funded.

3) Applicants of joint-authored papers whose co-author(s) is not attending the conference will be given higher priority than applicants of jointly-authored papers whose co-author(s) is attending the conference.

4) Persons without an employer to cover expenses, such as students and retired people, will be given higher priority than persons with an employer that can cover expenses.

5) Persons in poor countries will be given greater priority than persons in rich countries, other things being equal. This includes persons in poor countries with an employer.

6) Only one applicant will be funded per paper.

7) While applicants for financial assistance do not need to be IARIW members to apply, once they have been awarded assistance, they must join the IARIW to receive the assistance. Exceptions may be made for persons from poor countries.

8) As a general rule, applicants are expected to contribute to some of the expenses incurred to participate in the conference. The IARIW will not cover full costs. The proportion of the costs that is not covered by the IARIW will depend on the financial situation of the applicants.

9) The allocation of financial assistance is more an art than a science. Members of the Financial Assistance Committee will weight the various criteria outlined above in a manner that they deem to best serve the interests of the Association.