Sanjiv gained a BSc Honours Degree in Mathematics from Royal Holloway College, University of London before working in the private sector (as a stockbroker and a retail manager) and then the public sector. Sanjiv joined the then UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) and over many years has developed a unique blend of knowledge and experience gained by working in various posts across the UK Economic Accounts (including national accounts, financial accounts, regional accounts, environmental accounts, informal economy, business registers and surveys, etc.) reflecting practical compilation, conceptual development, pushing through EU statistical legislation and leading the introduction and implementation of many new initiatives improving UK economic statistics. Presently, Sanjiv is the Head of Methods and Research Engagement covering various aspects including the key operational link between the ONS and the UK Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence (ESCoE), a successful £7m programme over five years and now extended for a further year.
Sanjiv is holding or held various notable posts, examples include: Member of the United Nations Advisory Expert Group (AEG) on National Accounts since 2017 and Council Member of the International Input-Output Association (IIOA) since 2012 and became one of the two Vice-Presidents in 2018 before becoming the President of the IIOA in January 2022. Sanjiv was the Chief Editor of the UN Handbook on Supply and Use Tables, Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications published in 2018. Most recently, Sanjiv is one of the five Supporting Editors for the forthcoming 2025 UN System of National Accounts (SNA). Sanjiv has provided many presentations, training sessions, papers and contributions to numerous IARIW arena as well as a pro-active member of IARIW Conferences since 2006 (e.g., presenter, discussant, etc.).