Kendrick Prize

The Kendrick prize was originally launched in 1990 as recognition for the best article published that year in the Review of Income and Wealth. The prize was a named after John W. Kendrick, a long-standing member of the IARIW and a leading scholar on the measurement of economic growth and productivity in the United States, and who provided a generous donation to finance the prize for the first couple of years. After falling dormant for a number of years, the IARIW Council and Editorial Board reinstalled the prize in 2008 as a means to recognize and show appreciation for the important contributions in the micro area and in the macro area that many scholars make to research on income and wealth, by publishing their research in the Association’s journal. Each prize is an amount of $1000 US per paper.

The prize is awarded annually.

Authors Awarded:

Winner for Articles Published in 2022

  • Thomas Blanchet, Juliette Fournier, and Thomas Piketty, “Generalized Pareto Curves: Theory and Applications,” March 2022, Series 68, Issue 1, pp. 263-288  PDF

Winner for Articles Published in 2021

  • Daan Freeman & Robert Inklaar & W. Erwin Diewert, 2021. “Natural Resources and Missing Inputs in International Productivity Comparisons,” March 2021, Series 67, Issue 1, pp. 1-17  PDF

Winner for Articles Published in 2020

  • Bénédicte Apouey, Jacques Silber and Yongsheng Xu, “On Inequality-Sensitive and Additive Achievement Measures Based on Ordinal Data,” June 2020, Series 66, Issue 2, pp. 267-286 PDF

Winner for Articles Published in 2019

  • Daniel G. Mahler and Xavier Ramos, “Equality of Opportunity in Four Measures of Well-Being,” May 2019, Series 65, Special Issue 1, pp. S228-S255 PDF

Winner for Articles Published in 2018

  • Robert Hill and Michael Scholz, “Can Geospatial Data Improve House Price Indexes? A Hedonic Imputation Approach with Splines,” September 2018, Series 64, Issue 4, pp. 576-591 PDF

Winner for Articles Published in 2017

  • Jorgen Modalsli, “Decomposing Global Inequality,” September 2017, Series 63, Issue 3, pp.445-463 PDF

Winner for Articles Published in 2016

  • J Daniel Mesler and Iqbal Syed, “Life Cycle Price Trends and Product Replacement: Implications for the Measurement of Inflation,” September 2016, Series 62, Number 3, pp. 509-533 PDF

Winner for Articles Published in 2014 and 2015

  • Joachim Merz and Tim Rathjen, ‘Time And Income Poverty: An Interdependent Multidimensional Poverty Approach With German Time Use Diary Data,’ September 2014, Series 60, Number 3, pp. 450-479 PDF
  • Martina Celidoni, ‘Decomposing Vulnerability to Poverty,’ March 2015, Series 61, Issue 1, pp.59-74. PDF

Winner for Articles Published in 2012 and 2013

  • Janine Aron, John V. Duca, John Muellbauer, Keiko Murata and Anthony Murphy, ‘Credit, Housing Collateral, and Consumption: Evidence from Japan, the UK, and the US,’ September 2012, Series 58, Number 3, pp. 397-423 PDF
  • Thomas Bossuroy and Denis Cogneau, ‘Social Mobility in Five African Countries,’ October 2013, Series 59, Special Issue 1, pp.S84-S110. PDF

Winner for Articles Published in 2010 and 2011

  • Olympia Bover, ‘Wealth Inequality and Household Structure: U.S. VS. Spain,’ June 2010, Series 56, Number 2, pp. 259-290 PDF
  • Robert E. Lipsey, ‘Measuring the Location of Production in a World of Intangible productive Assets, FDI, and Intrafirm Trade,’ June 2010, Series 56, Special Issue 1, pp.S99-S110. PDF

Winner for Articles Published in 2008 and 2009

  • Carol Corrado, Charles Hulten, and Daniel Sichel, ‘Intangible Capital and U.S. Economics Growth,’ Sept. 2009, pp. 661-685. PDF
  • Courtney Coile and Kevin Milligan, ‘How Household Portfolios Evolve After Retirement: The Effect of Aging and Health Shocks,’ June 2009, pp. 226-248. PDF

Winner for Articles Published in 2006 and 2007

  • François Bourguignon, Francisco H. G. Ferreira, and Marta Menendez, ‘Inequality of Opportunity in Brazil,’ Dec. 2007, pp. 585-618. PDF
  • Branko Milanovic, ‘An Estimate of Average Income and Inequality in Byzantine Around Year 1000,’ September 2006, pp. 449-470. PDF


  • Andre Vanoli “Reflections on Environmental Accounting Issues” (June 1995). PDF


      • First Prize. Stephen Jenkins and Peter J. Lambert : “Ranking Income Distributions when Needs Differ,” (December 1993). PDF
      • Second Prize. Timothy M. Smeeding, Peter Saunders, John Coder, Stephen

    Jenkins, Johan Fritzell, Aldi J. M. Hagenaars, Richard Hauser, and Michael Wolfson: “Poverty, Inequality, and Family Living Standards Impacts Across Seven Nations: The Effects of Noncash Subsidies for Health, Education and Housing,” (September 1993).


  • Third Prize. Dirk Pilat: “The Sectoral Productivity Performance of Japan and the United States, 1885- 1990,” (December 1993). PDF


  • First Prize. Nancy D. Ruggles and Richard Ruggles, “Household and Enterprise Saving and Capital Formation In the United States: A Market Transactions View” (June 1992). PDF
  • Second Prize. Julie A. Nelson, “Methods of Estimating Household Equivalence Scales: An Empirical Investigation” (September 1992). PDF
  • Third Prize. Gordon Green, John Coder, and Paul Ryscavage, “International Comparisons of Earnings Inequality for Men in the 1980s” (March 1992). PDF


  • First Prize. Barbara Wolfe and Robert Moffitt: “A New Index to Value In-Kind Benefits,” December, 1991. PDF
  • Second Prize. Utz-Peter Reich: “Concept and Definition of Income in the National Accounts,” September, 1991. PDF
  • Third Prize. Robert Eisner: “The Real Rate of U.S. National Saving.” March, 1991. PDF


  • First Prize. Adam Szirmai and Dirk Pilat: “Comparisons of Purchasing Power, Real Output and Labour Productivity in Manufacturing in Japan, South Korea, and the U.S.A., 1975-1985” [March, 1990]. PDF
  • Second Prize. Graham Pyatt: “Accounting for Time Use” [March, 1990]. PDF
  • Third Prize. Stephen Crystal and Dennis Shea: “The Economic Well-Being of The Elderly” [September, 1990]. PDF