Council Members & Past Presidents

Council 2024-2026

Charles Yuji Horioka, Kobe University, Japan, President
Catherine Van Rompaey, World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, Past President
Shatakshee Dhongde, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, Treasurer and President-Elect

Elected Members

Wendy Li, Moon Economics Institute, USA 2022-2026
Sanjiv Mahajan, Office of National Statistics, UK, 2022-2026
Rebecca Riley, Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence, UK, 2022-2026
Jorrit Zwijnenburg, OECD, France, 2022-2026
Charlotte Bartels, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), 2024-2028
Conchita D’Ambrosio, University of Luxembourg, 2024-2028
Marina Gindelsky, Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), USA, 2024-2028
Alicia Rambaldi, University of Queensland, Australia, 2024-2028

Co-Opted Members

Chihiro Shimizu, Hitotsubashi University, Japan, 2024-2026
Hai-Anh Dang, World Bank, USA, 2024-2026
Roeland Beerten, National Bank of Belgium, 2024-2026

Andrew Sharpe, Centre for the Study of Living Standards, Ottawa, Canada, Executive Director

Past IARIW Presidents and Years Served

2020-2022 Kevin Fox, Australia
2018-2020 Marshall Reinsdorf, USA
2016-2018 Albert Braakmann, Germany
2014-2016 Alice Nakamura, Canada†
2012-2014 Barbara Fraumeni, USA
2010-2012 Peter van de Ven, the Netherlands
2008-2010 Andrea Brandolini, Italy
2006-2008 Stephen Jenkins, UK
2004-2006 Liv Hobbelstad Simpson, Norway
2002-2004 Timothy Smeeding, USA
2000-2002 Michael Ward,* UK
1998-2000 Anne Harrison, UK
1996-1998 Utz-Peter Reich, Germany
1994-1996 Derek Blades,* UK
1992-1994 Richard Ruggles,* USA
1989-1992 Janos Arvay,* Hungary
1987-1989 Alan Heston, USA
1985-1987 T.P. Hill,* UK
1983-1985 Lennart Fastbom, Sweden
1981-1983 Lazsio Drechsler,* Hungary
1979-1981 Irving Kravis,* USA
1977-1979 Andre Vanoli, France
1975-1977 Reginald Beales,* UK
1973-1975 George Jaszi,* USA
1971-1973 Zoltan Kennessey*, Hungary
1969-1971 Simon Goldberg,* Canada
1967-1969 Phyllis Deane,* UK
1965-1967 Roy Geary,* Ireland
1963-1965 Odd Aukurst,* Norway
1961-1963 C.A. Oomens,* the Netherlands
1959-1961 Christopher Saunders,* UK
1957-1959 Raymond Goldsmith,* USA
1955-1957 Kjeld Bjerke,* Denmark
1953-1955 Benedetto Barberi,* Italy
1951-1953 Milton Gilbert,* USA
1949-1951 J.R.N. Stone,* UK
1947-1949 Simon Kuznets,* US

* Deceased

† In 2015 the title of the person who heads the IARIW Council was changed from Chairperson to President