Code of Conduct

In June of 2022, the IARIW membership approved a Code of Conduct to govern the behaviour of members, as well as employees and participants in Association events. The code can be found here.


This Code of Conduct sets out the Association’s expectations and requirements regarding behaviour and conduct, along with guidelines and processes for handling actual or possible breaches of the Code. It covers both:

  • Conduct directly associated with the Association (for example, during events, meetings, and Association employment).
  • Conduct external to the Association (in other employment and personal contexts), to the extent such conduct has a potential impact on the standing and reputation of the Association, or on the Association’s duty of care to prevent bullying, harassment and discrimination associated with its own activities.

This code sets out the ways in which the Association upholds its moral and legal responsibility to ensure as far as possible that those it employs or otherwise engages with are provided with a physically and psychologically safe environment, and that they are not exposed to discrimination, bullying and harassment. This Code and the related procedures apply to:

  • Association Members
  • Employees, contractors, interns and volunteers (Employees)
  • Others participating in Association events or other activities (Participants).