International Association for Research in Income and Wealth
Advancing knowledge on income and wealth for better measurement and outcomes.

IARIW Major Objectives

  • To advance education and knowledge in the general area of income and wealth by organizing conferences, by circulating scholarly papers accessible to the general public through the Association’s website, and by publishing a quarterly journal containing research on economics and statistics.
  • To carry out its said objects and purposes in the following fields of interest: the definition, measurement, and analysis of national income and wealth; the distribution of income and wealth, and poverty; the development of systems of economic and social accounting and their use for economic policy; international comparisons; and other related economic and statistical matters.

Upcoming Events

IARIW-Hitotsubashi University Conference on “Population Ageing: Implications for Economic Measurement and Economic Performance”, Tokyo, Japan

March 24-25, 2025

The International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW), in partnership with Hitotsubashi University, will organize a conference entitled ”Population
Ageing: Implications for Economic Measurement and Economic Performance” in Tokyo, Japan on March 24- 25, 2025. The prelimanary Conference Program can be found here. For information about the conference click here.The deadline for submitting proposals was July 15th, 2024.

IARIW-WB-CIEM Conference on “Improving Well-being Measurement in Data-challenged Environments in Developing Countries for Better Evidence-based Policies”, Hanoi, Vietnam

October 2-3, 2025

The International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW), the World Bank and the Central Institute of Economic Management (CIEM) are organizing a special IARIW-WB-CIEM conference on the importance of data generation and analysis in data-scarce contexts and policy implications for the Asia region in Hanoi, Vietnam on October 2- 3, 2025. For information about the conference click here. To view the call for papers click here. Submissions portal can be found here.  The deadline for submitting proposals is January 31st, 2025.


Update on IARIW Activities from the Executive Director

The latest update on IARIW activities can be found here.

Announcement of New Editors for the Review of Income and Wealth

 The International Association for Research in Income and Wealth is pleased to announce the appointment of two new editors of its flagship publication, the Review of Income and Wealth.  Robert Inklaar from the University of Groningen and Suman Seth from Leeds University assume the editorship of the journal on August 1, 2024. The editorial office of the journal moves from the University of Luxembourg to the University of Groningen.

The Association expresses great appreciation to departing Review of Income and wealth editors Conchita D’Ambrosio from the University of Luxembourg and Prasada Rao from the University of Queensland for their dedication to the journal during their many years as editors. A job well done!  The Association is very grateful for their service.


Past Events

38th IARIW General Conference, London, England 

August 26-30, 2024

The 38th IARIW General Conference will take place in London, England, August 26-30, 2024. The call for papers for the conference is now closed. The final conference program can be found here. The conference website with information on registration and accommodation can be found here. Information on the pre-conference training sessions is accessible here. The training sessions and the Ruggles Lecture video recordings are accessible here.

IARIW-CIGI Conference on “The Valuation of Data”, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

November 2-3, 2023

The International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW), in partnership with CIGI, organized a conference entitled “The Valuation of Data” in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada on November 2-3, 2023. For information about the conference click here. To view the program click here To view the Conference photos click here.

64th ISI World Statistics Congress, Ottawa, Canada 

July 16-20, 2023

The ISI World Statistics Congresses (WSC) take place once every two years in different countries and cities/venues. Though the ISI organizes them, we work closely with the country’s National Statistics Office and Society. From July 16 to 20, 2023, the 64th WSC will take place in Ottawa, Canada. Details on the session on income distribution hosted by the IARIW, including presentations from the panel’s participants, can be found here.

IARIW-Bank of Italy Conference on “Central Banks, Financial Markets and Inequality”, Naples, Italy

March 29-April 1, 2023

The International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW), in partnership with the Bank of Italy (BOI), will organize a conference entitled ”Central Banks, Financial Markets and Inequality” in Naples, Italy on March 29-April 1, 2023. For information about the conference click here and for the Conference Program click here. For information regarding registration and accommodation, click here.

IARIW-TNBS Conference on “Measuring Income, Wealth and Well-being in Africa”, Arusha, Tanzania

November 11-13, 2022

The IARIW has accepted an offer from the Tanzania National Bureau of Statistics (TNBS) to host a special IARIW conference in Tanzania on November 11-13, 2022. The Conference Program is available here. Due to the delay in the conference, the program has been expanded with two additional Covid-19-related sessions. The registration portal for the conference is available here.

37th IARIW General Conference, Hosted by STATEC

August 22-26, 2022

The 37th IARIW General Conference will take place in Luxembourg, August 22-26, 2022. The Association thanks the Central Service for Statistics and Economic Studies (STATEC) in Luxembourg for offering to host the conference. The Conference Programme is available here. On August 21st and 22nd, the IARIW will also host a two-day training session on updates to the System of National Accounts (SNA). Additional details on the session are available here and the schedule for the session can be found here.  To register for the training session on the System of National Accounts, please complete this form.

The Review of Income and Wealth is the official journal of the IARIW.

The ROIW aims to further the research on national and economic and social accounting, including the development of concepts and definitions for the measurement and analysis of income and wealth, the development and further integration of systems of economic and social statistics, and related problems of statistical methodology. Its current impact factor is 1.206.

The articles from the 2020 issue of the Review of Income and Wealth can now be accessed free of charge online. This website also includes a complete archive of IARIW publications from 1951 to 2020. Recent issues published after 2020 are available on Wiley Online Library. Access is limited to paid members of the IARIW or the Wiley Online Library.

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