To: IARIW Membership
From: Andrew Sharpe
Date: May 28, 2021
Subject: Opening of Registration for 36th IARIW General Conference
Statistics Norway, the host of 36th IARIW General Conference, has opened the conference website and registration portal. Please visit to register for the conference, which is set to take place virtually, August 23-27, 2021.
Note that the registration fee for IARIW members of approximately 100 euros rises to 150 euros after July 15, 2021.
The preliminary conference program is posted at The standard protocols for IARIW General Conferences will be observed, including 30 minutes allocated for each paper, a discussant both presenting and discussing the paper, and receipt of paper required by July 31, 2021 for posting on the IARIW website.
The members meeting will be held virtually on Friday, August 27 at 2 PM CEST. An advantage of the virtual format is that all members can participate in the meeting, not just those attending the General Conference in person. Documents for this meeting will be made available during the first half of August. A Zoom link for the meeting will be distributed to the membership on August 25.
The 37th IARIW General Conference, hosted by STATEC, is set to take place in person, August 22-26, 2022 in Luxembourg. Members are invited to email their proposals for sessions for the conference to the IARIW Secretariat at These proposals will be presented and voted on at the members meeting. The deadline for receipt of proposals is Wednesday, August 25.
Pre-Conference Training Session on National Accounts
Brent Moulton, formerly Deputy Director at the U.S, Bureau of Economic Analysis will give a virtual pre-conference training course on national accounts August 16-19, 2021. The course is offered without charge to all individual IARIW members and employees of IARIW institutional members, Information on the course and the registration form is posted at
Special Conference on Intangible Capital
The special IARIW conference on intangible capital, hosted by the Economic Statistics Centre on Excellence (ESCoE), will take place November 11-12, 2021 in London, England as an in-person event. The preliminary program for the conference is found at The conference website will be up in July.
Special Conference on Income, Wealth and Well-being in Africa
In collaboration with the Tanzania National Bureau of Statistics, the IARIW is organizing a special conference Measuring Income, Wealth and Well-being in Africa to be held April 14-16, 2022 in Arusha, Tanzania. The preliminary conference program is available at