Jorrit Zwijnenburg is the Head of Sectoral Accounts in the OECD’s National Accounts Division. In this role, he coordinates the organization of the annual OECD working parties on National Accounts and Financial Statistics and is an active member of related international fora, such as the UNECE led Group of Experts in National Accounts and the IMF GFS Advisory Committee. Jorrit leads the OECD secretariat for the Wellbeing and Sustainability task team of the update to the SNA standards and has contributed to new SNA guidance in a broad range of other domains, including financial and payments systems, communications and ISIC revisions. He currently chairs the OECD Expert Group on Disparities in National Accounts and leads related work in the new G20 Data Gaps Initiative. He also co-chaired the OECD-Eurostat Task Force on Land on other non-financial assets and led the drafting of the report on measuring Intellectual Property Products. Jorrit has published multiple papers on household distributional measures and micro-macro linkages, along a broad range of other topics, including financial accounts and non-bank financial intermediation, pension entitlements, the recording of crypto-assets, intellectual property products and data. He has been actively involved with IARIW since the early 2000s, contributing papers and acting as a discussant on many topics, and organizing recent sessions on global measures of wellbeing and sustainability and reducing gaps between micro and macro statistics on household income, consumption saving and wealth. The breadth of Jorrit’s experience and his significant and diverse contributions to the field make him an excellent candidate for IARIW council membership.