9:00-17:00: Training Sessions on Multidimensional Poverty and on National Accounts
9:00-17:00: Training Sessions on Multidimensional Poverty and on National Accounts (Continued)
14:30-19:30: Registration
16:00-18:30: IARIW Council Meeting (By Invitation) (Salon Meissen)
19:00-22:00 Opening Reception (Room Atrium and Hotel Restaurant)
9:00-9:15: Opening Remarks
Dieter Sarreither, Director General, Federal Statistical Office of Germany
Alice Nakamura, IARIW President
9:15-12:30: Session 1 (Plenary): Sustainability, Growth and Well-Being (Room Bellevue)
Organizer: Albert Braakmann (Federal Statistical Office of Germany)
Chair: Dieter Sarreither (Federal Statistical Office of Germany)
Keynote Speech by Walter Radermacher, Director General of the Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat) “Better Data, Better Lives: Statistics to Serve Society” Presentation
Christian Kastrop, Director of the Policy Studies Branch in the Economics Department of the OECD “Income Inequality Within and Between Countries”Presentation
Break 10:30-11:00
Marcel Fratzscher, President of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) “The Battle for Redistribution – Why Germany is Becoming More Unequal”Presentation
12:30-14:00 Lunch (Hotel Restaurant)
Session 2A: Integrating Micro and Macro Approaches to National Income Analysis (Room Bellevue 1)
Organizers: Ilja Kristian Kavonius (European Central Bank) and Utz Reich (University of Applied Sciences, Mainz, Germany)
Chair: Ilja Kristian Kavonius (European Central Bank)
1. Robin Chakraborty (European Central Bank), Ilja Kristian Kavonius (European Central Bank), Sébastien Pérez-Duarte (European Central Bank), and Philip Vermeulen (European Central Bank), “Is the Top Tail of the Wealth Distribution the Missing Link Between the Household Finance and Consumption Survey and National Accounts?”[Abstract]
Discussant: Peter van de Ven (Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development)Presentation
2. Utz-Peter Reich (University of Applied Sciences, Mainz, Germany), “Mechanisms of National Income Distribution: A Comparative SAM Analysis of Canada, Germany, and Portugal” [Abstract]
Discussant: Jorrit Zwijnenburg (Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development) Presentation
3. Jorrit Zwijnenburg (Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development), “Further Enhancing The Work On Household Distributional Data – Techniques For Bridging Gaps Between Micro And Macro Results And Nowcasting Methodologies For Compiling More Timely Results” [Abstract]
Discussant: Sigita Grundiza (Eurostat) Presentation
Break 15:30-16:00
4. Filippo Gregorini (Eurostat), Sigita Grundiza (Eurostat) and Pierre Lamarche (Eurostat), “Distributional Income Indicators in a Micro-Macro Data Integration Perspective” [Abstract]
Discussant: Veli-Matti Törmälehto (Statistics Finland)Presentation
5. Bruno Tissot (Bank for International Settlements), “Development of Financial Sectoral Accounts: New Opportunities and Challenges for Supporting Financial Stability Analysis” [Abstract]
Discussant: Utz-Peter Reich (University of Applied Sciences, Mainz, Germany)Presentation
6. Martha Tovar (National Institute of Statistics and Geography, Mexico), “The Micro-Macro Analysis within the Household Sector in Mexico” [Abstract]
Discussant: Peter van de Ven (Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development)Presentation
Session 2B: Economic Change and Insecurity (Room Bellevue 2)
Organizers: Michael Wolfson (University of Ottawa, Canada) and Flaviana Palmisano (University of Luxembourg)
Chairs: Michael Wolfson (University of Ottawa, Canada) and Flaviana Palmisano (University of Luxembourg)
1. Andrew Clark (Paris School of Economics, France), Conchita D’Ambrosio (University of Luxembourg), Marta Barazzetta (University of Luxembourg), “Childhood Circumstances and Young Adulthood Outcomes: The Effects of Mothers’ Financial Problems” [Abstract]
Discussant: Federico Perali (University of Verona, Italy)Presentation
2. Dongjie Wu (University of Queensland, Australia), Prasada Rao (University of Queensland, Australia), Kam Ki Tang (University Of Queensland, Australia), and Pravin Trivedi (University Of Queensland, Australia), “Sources of Income Inequality in China: Individual’s Effort or Circumstances?” [Abstract]
Discussant: Maria C. Lo Bue (University of Göttingen, Germany, and University of Verona, Italy)Presentation
3. Daniel Kopasker (University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom), Catia Montagna (University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom), and Keith Bender (University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom), “Economic Insecurity as a Socioeconomic Determinant of Mental Health” [Abstract]
Discussant: Nicholas Rohde (Griffith University, Australia)Presentation
Break 15:30-16:00
4. Roxana Maurizio (Universidad Nacional De General Sarmiento and IIEP-CONICET, Argentina), Luis Beccaria (Universidad Nacional De General Sarmiento, Argentina), Martin Trombetta (Universidad Nacional De General Sarmiento, Argentina), and Gustavo Vazquez (Universidad Nacional De General Sarmiento, Argentina), “Income Instability During a Period of Improving Labor and Social Conditions: Latin America in the 2000s” [Abstract]
Discussant: Guido Neidhofer (Free University of Berlin, Germany)Presentation
5. Panchanan Das (University of Calcutta, India), “Dynamics of Income Inequality and Employment Characteristics under Different Growth Regimes: Insights from Household Level Survey Data in India” [Abstract]
Discussant: Marek Kosny (Wroclaw University of Economics, Poland) Presentation
Session 2C: Globalization, Growth and Jobs I (Room Bellevue 3)
Organizers: Deb Kusum Das (Ramjas College, University of Delhi, India) and Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia (Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States)
Chair: Deb Kusum Das (Ramjas College, University of Delhi, India)
1. Maarten van Rossum (Statistics Netherlands) and Marjolijn Jaarsma (Statistics Netherlands), “On Going Globalization: Do Multinationals Perform Differently than Non-Multinationals in Dutch Manufacturing Industries?”[Abstract]
Discussant: Homagni Choudhury (Aberystwyth University, United Kingdom)
2. Gaaitzen de Vries (University of Groningen, Netherlands), Bart Los (University of Groningen, Netherlands), and Marcel Timmer (University of Groningen, Netherlands), “The Demand for Skills 1995 – 2008: A Global Supply Chain Perspective” [Abstract]
Discussant: Takashi Yamashita (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States)
3. Catia Montagna (University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom), Hassan Molana (University of Dundee, United Kingdom), and George Onwardi (University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom), “Reforming the Liberal Welfare State International Shocks, Unemployment and Income Shares” [Abstract]
Discussant: Suresh Chand Aggarwal (University of Delhi, India)Presentation
Break 15:30-16:00
4. Wendy Li (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States), “Offshoring and US Innovation Capacity” [Abstract]
Discussant: Marcel Timmer (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
5. Suresh Chand Aggarwal (University of Delhi, India), “Structural Change, Jobless Growth and ‘Informalization’ of Labor: Challenges in Post Globalized India” [Abstract]
Discussant: Gaaitzen de Vries (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
6. Beyza Ural Marchand (University of Alberta, Canada), “Employment Adjustments to Increased Imports: Evidence from a Developing Country” [Abstract]
Discussant: Homagni Choudhury (Aberystwyth University, United Kingdom) Presentation
Session 2D: Household Wealth I (Board Room 1)
Organizers: Brian Bucks (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, United States) and Tjeerd Jellema (European Central Bank)
Chair: Tjeerd Jellema (European Central Bank)
1. Markus M. Grabka (German Institute for Economic Research, DIW Berlin), Timm Boenke (Free University of Berlin, Germany), Edward N. Wolff (New York University, United States), and Carsten Schroeder (FU Berlin and DIW Berlin), “A Comparative Analysis of Augmented Wealth in Germany and the United States” [Abstract]
Discussant: Tobias Schmidt (Deutsche Bundesbank)Presentation
2. Katrine Søe (Statistics Denmark) and Kristina Staehr Vest (Statistics Denmark),“Compilation and Measurement of Household Wealth and its Distribution” [Abstract]
Discussant: Thomas Crossley (University of Essex, United Kingdom) Presentation
3. Catherine Van Rompaey (Statistics Canada), “Household Wealth in Canada: Recent Developments in Micro and Macro Measurement” [Abstract]
Discussant: Thomas Crossley (University of Essex, United Kingdom)Presentation
Break 15:30-16:00
4. Tobias Schmidt (Deutsche Bundesbank) and Arthur Alik-Lagrange (Toulouse School of Economics, France), “The Pattern of Home Ownership Across Age Cohorts and its Impact on the German Net Wealth Distribution” [Abstract]
Discussant: Alan D. Tapper (Curtin University, Australia)Presentation
5. Sarah Kuypers (University of Antwerp, Belgium), Francesco Figari (University of Insubria, Italy and ISER, University of Essex, United Kingdom), and Gerlinde Verbist (University of Antwerp, Belgium), “Improving the Incorporation of Wealth Data in Policy Modelling” [Abstract]
Discussant: Andrea Brandolini (Bank of Italy)Presentation
6. Arjan Bruil (Statistics Netherlands), “Wealth and the Distribution of Wealth in the Netherlands” [Abstract]
Discussant: Andrea Brandolini (Bank of Italy)Presentation
Session 2E: The Great Recession and the Middle Class I (Board Room 2)
Organizers: Grazia Pittau (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy) and Thesia Garner (Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States)
Chairs: Grazia Pittau (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy) and Thesia Garner (Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States)
1. David D. Johnson (University of Michigan, United States) and Nathaniel S. Johnson (City University of New York, CUNY, United States, and Luxembourg Income Study Center), “Where Are the Middle Class in the OECD?” [Abstract]
Discussant: Jacques G. Silber (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)Presentation
2. Martina Mysíková (Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences), “Personal Earnings Inequality and Polarization: The Czech Republic in a Comparison with Austria and Poland” [Abstract]
Discussant: Roberto Zelli (University of Rome, Italy)Presentation
3. Bjorn A. Gustafsson (University of Gothenburg, Sweden), Terry Sicular (University of Western Ontario, Canada), and Xiuna Yang (Beijng Normal University, China), “China’s Emerging Global Middle Class” [Abstract]
Discussant: Gordon Anderson (University of Toronto, Canada)Presentation
Break 15:30-16:00
4. Stefan Thewissen (Institute for New Economic Thinking, University of Oxford, United Kingdom), Brian Nolan (Institute for New Economic Thinking, University of Oxford, United Kingdom), and Alice Lazzati (University of Oxford, United Kingdom), “‘Middle’ Household Incomes across OECD Countries Up To and Through the Great Recession: Decomposing by Source” [Abstract]
Discussant: Alfonso Rosolia (Bank of Italy)Presentation
5. Jose Martin Lima Velazquez (University of Leeds Business School, United Kingdom) and Gaston Yalonetzky (University of Leeds Business School, United Kingdom), “Financial Crises, the Great Recession and the Middle Class in the Americas: An Empirical Analysis” [Abstract]
Discussant: Alfonso Rosolia (Bank of Italy)Presentation
6. Edward N. Wolff (New York University, United States), “Will the Middle Class Ever Save Again?” [Abstract]
Discussant: Andrew Sharpe (Centre for the Study of Living Standards, Canada)Presentation
Session 2F: Meeting the Measurement Challenges of Official Statistics Offices I (Room Elbterrasse)
Organizers: Albert Braakmann (Federal Statistical Office of Germany), Mark de Haan (Statistics Netherlands), and Marshall Reinsdorf (International Monetary Fund)
Chair: Dr. Konrad Pesendorfer (Statistics Austria)
1. Deepak Sethia (Indian Institute of Management), “Federal Fiscal Balances in India: Methods, New Estimates, and their Implications” [Abstract]
Discussant: Surajit Deb (University of Delhi, India)Presentation
2. John Verrinder (Eurostat), “Use of National Accounts Data in the European Union Context” [Abstract]
Discussant: Gerard Eding (Statistics Netherlands)Presentation
3. David B. Wasshausen (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States), Jon D. Samuels (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States), Jay Stewart (Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States), and Erich H. Strassner (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States), “Estimating Capital Services in the U.S.: An Empirical Assessment of Implementation Differences” [Abstract]
Discussant: Erich Oltmanns (Federal Statistical Office of Germany)Presentation
Break 15:30-16:00
4. Anne Hall (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States), “Adjusting the Measurement of the Output of the Medical Sector for Quality: A Review of the Literature” [Abstract]
Discussant: Sanjiv Mahajan (Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom)Presentation
5. Karl Johan Bergström (Statistics Sweden), “The Power of Money – How Integrating Real Sector Accounts with Financial Accounts Can Improve the Understanding of the Swedish Business Cycle” [Abstract]
Discussant: Thomas von Brasch (Statistics Norway)Presentation
6. Enrico Infante (Eurostat), Maria Kozina (Eurostat) and Filippo Gregorini (Eurostat), “The Saving Rate of a Clean Household Sector” [Abstract]
Discussant: Amarjit Singh Sethi (Guru Nanak Dev University, India)Presentation
Session 2G: Income Distribution Issues (Room Leipzig)
Organizers: The Program Committee
Chair: Irmtraud Beuerlein (Federal Statistical Office of Germany)
1. Andrea Brandolini (Bank of Italy) and Alfonso Rosolia (Bank of Italy), “The Euro Area Wage Distribution Over the Crisis” [Abstract]
Discussant: Ranjan Ray (Monash University, Australia)Presentation
2. Jens Bonke (Rockwool Foundation Research Unit, Denmark), M. Azhar Hussain (Roskilde University, Denmark), and Martin D. Munk (Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark), “Money Marries Money – Intergenerational Top Household Income Mobility in Denmark” [Abstract]
Discussant: Sylvie Michaud (Statistics Canada)Presentation
3. Giovanni D’Alessio (Bank of Italy) and Andrea Neri (Bank of Italy), “Income and Wealth Sample Estimates Consistent With Macro Aggregates: Some Experiments” [Abstract]
Discussant: Sylvie Michaud (Statistics Canada)Presentation
Break 15:30-16:00
4. Paul Fisher (Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex, United Kingdom), “Does Repeated Measurement Improve Income Data Quality?” [Abstract]
Discussant: Brian Bucks (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, United States)Presentation
5. Gabriele Amorosi (University of Hull, Business School, United Kingdom), Amanda Gosling (University of Kent, School of Economics, United Kingdom), and Miguel Leon-Ledesma (University of Kent, School of Economics, United Kingdom) “Income Distribution, Household Heterogeneity and Consumption Insurance in the UK: A Mixture Model Approach” [Abstract]
Discussant: Alice Nakamura (University of Alberta, Canada)Presentation
6. Juan C. Palomino (Universidad Complutense De Madrid, Spain), Gustavo A. Marrero (Universidad de la Laguna, Spain), and Juan G. Rodríguez Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain), “Channels of Inequality of Opportunity: The Role of Education and Occupation in Europe” [Abstract]
Discussant: Alice Nakamura (University of Alberta, Canada)Presentation
First Poster Session (PS1) (Bankett Foyer, Room Bellevue)
PS1.1: Development, Growth and Savings
Rathindra Prasad Sen (Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith, India), “Reconsider Growth Strategies Under the Globalized Economy (India’s Perspective)” [Abstract]
Roshin Paul P. (Reserve Bank of India), “Impact of the Great Recession on Middle Class Aspiration: An International Comparison” [Abstract]
PS1.2: Earnings and Inequality
Amlan Majumder (Dinhata College, India), “A New Pro Transfer-Sensitive Measure of Economic Inequality under the Lorenz Curve Framework in Analogue to the Index of Refraction of Geometrical Optics” [Abstract]
Marek Kosny (Wroclaw University of Economics, Poland) and Gaston Yalonetzky (Leeds University Business School, United Kingdom), “Relative P-Bipolarisation Measurement with Generalised Means and Hybrid Lorenz Curves”[Abstract]
Panos Tsakloglou (Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece) and Eirini Andriopoulou (Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece), “Mobility Into and Out of Poverty in Europe in the 1990s and the Pre-Crisis Period: The Role of Income, Demographic and Labour Market Events” [Abstract] Winner of the Prize for Best Poster
PS1.3: Education/Public Broadcasting
Sabine Winkler (WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany) and Markus Rudolf (WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany), “Empirical Evidence of Wealth Effects on Consumption” [Abstract]
PS1.4: Financial Activity
Sahaj Wadhwa (Delhi University, India), Chander Prakash Gupta (Delhi University, India), and Sanjay Sehgal (Delhi University, India), “Price Discovery and Spillovers in Indian Agricultural Commodity Markets” [Abstract]
PS1.5: Health
Nasir Khan B M (Kuvempu University, India), “Measurement of the Impact of Economic Reforms on Public Expenditure on Health and Health Outcomes in Karnataka” [Abstract]
Amarjit Singh Sethi (Guru Nanak Dev University, India) and Ritu Pandhi (Shanti Devi Arya Mahilla College, Dinanagar, India), “Health Status and Calorie Inequalities Linkage among Major Indian States: An Empirical Exploration”[Abstract]
PS1.6: Homes and Land
Elena Triebskorn (Deutsche Bundesbank) and Jens Mehrhoff (Deutsche Bundesbank), “How Should We Measure Residential Property Prices to Inform Policy Makers?” [Abstract]
Harry X Wu (Hitotsubashi University, Japan) and Tomohiko Inui (Gakushuin University, Japan), “Accounting for the Role of Land as a Source of Economic Growth in China and Japan” [Abstract]
Chihiro Shimizu (National University of Singapore), Yongheng Deng (National University of Singapore), Yasuhito Kawamura (Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Research Institute, Japan), and Kiyohiko Nishimura (University of Tokyo Graduate School of Economics, Japan), “Analysis of Policy Options to Address Japan’s Declining Population, Shrinking Birthrate, and Aging Society” [Abstract]
PS1.7: National Accounts
Dominique Francoz (National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies, INSEE, France) and Jean-Samy Aziz (National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies, France), “The Use of ERETES for a Better Consistency of National Accounts Data Over User Countries” [Abstract] [Poster]
Alfred W Franz (formerly with Statistics Austria), “NA suffering from a ‘Top Down Syndrome’? On a certain Ambiguity still Lurking in the ‘Systems of National Accounts’” [Abstract]
Kazusuke Tsujimura (Keio University, Japan) and Masako Tsujimura (Rissho University, Japan),“Flow-of-Funds Based National Accounting: An Experimental Application to the US Economy” [Abstract]
Bruno Tissot (Bank for International Settlements), “Globalisation and Financial Stability Risks: Is the Residency-Based Approach of the National Accounts Old-Fashioned?” [Abstract]
19:00-21:00 Dinner (Hotel Restaurant)
20:00- Meeting of the Editorial Board of the Review of Income and Wealth (By Invitation) (Room Salon Pillnitz)
Session 3 (Plenary): Well-Being I (Room Bellevue)
Organizer: Eva Sierminska (Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research)
Chair: Thesia Garner (Bureau of Labour Statistics, United States)
1. Lars S. Osberg (Dalhousie University, Canada), Andrew Sharpe (Centre for the Study of Living Standards, Canada), Jasmin Thomas (Centre for the Study of Living Standards, Canada), and Alexander Murray (Centre for the Study of Living Standards, Canada) “How Much Does Commodity Price Volatility Matter for Economic Well-Being in Rich Countries?” [Abstract]
Discussant: Federico Perali (University of Verona, Italy)Presentation
2. Federico Perali (University of Verona, Italy), Martina Menon (University of Verona, Italy), and Elena Dalla Chiara (University of Verona, Italy), “An Integrated Database to Measure Living Standards” [Abstract]
Discussant: Roberto Zelli (University of Rome, Italy)Presentation
3.Sarah Kuypers (Centre for Social Policy, University of Antwerp, Belgium), and Ive Marx (Centre for Social Policy, University of Antwerp, Belgium), “Estimation of Joint Income-Wealth Poverty: A Sensitivity Analysis” [Abstract]
Discussant: Flaviana Palmisano (University of Luxembourg)Presentation
Break 10:30-11:00
4. Yadira Diaz (ISER, University of Essex, United Kingdom) and Vasileios Iliopoulos (University of Essex, United Kingdom), “Counting Multidimensional Deprivations in the Presence of Differences in Needs” [Abstract]
Discussant: Jacques G. Silber (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)Presentation
5. Jacques G. Silber (Bar-Ilan University, Israel) and Joseph Deutsch (Bar-Ilan University, Israel), “Efficiency Analysis and the Measurement of Multidimensional Well-Being” [Abstract]
Discussant: Flaviana Palmisano (University of Luxembourg)Presentation
6. Philip Müller (University of Göttingen, Germany), and Tobias Schmidt (Deutsche Bundesbank), “Identifying Income and Wealth Poor Households in the Euro Area” [Abstract]
Discussant: Gerlinde Verbist (Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy, University of Antwerp, Belgium)Presentation
12:30-14:00 Lunch (Hotel Restaurant)
Session 4A: Household Accounts (Room Bellevue 1)
Organizers: Program Committee
Chair: Norbert Schwarz (Federal Statistical Office of Germany)
1. Paul Morrin (Central Statistics Office, Ireland) and Andrew McManus (Central Statistics Office, Ireland), “Developing Household Social Accounts in Ireland” [Abstract]
Discussant: Susanna Garcia Diez (German Federal Statistical Office)Presentation
2. Mitsuhiko Iyoda (Momoyama Gakuin University, Japan), “Household Income Based on a Broad View of Production”[Abstract]
Discussant: Kirsten Balling (Statistics Denmark)Presentation
3. Olga Rastrigina (Institute for Social and Economic Research, ISER, University of Essex, United Kingom), Holly Sutherland (Institute for Social and Economic Research, ISER, University of Essex, United Kingom), Chrysa Leventi (Institute for Social and Economic Research, ISER, University of Essex, United Kingom), Cristina Lopez-Vilaplanna (Eurostat) and Aura Leulescu (Eurostat), “‘Flash Estimates’ of Income Distribution Indicators for the European Union: Methods, Assessment and Future Prospects” [Abstract]
Discussant: Sofiya Stoyanova (Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom)Presentation
Break 15:30-16:00
4. Sofiya Stoyanova and Richard Tonkin (Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom), “Nowcasting Household Income in the UK: Financial Year Ending 2015” [Abstract]
Discussant: Olga Rastrigina (Institute for Social and Economic Research, ISER, University of Essex, United Kingdom)Presentation
5. Brian Bucks (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, United States), “A Life-Cycle Perspective on the Great Recession’s Effects on the Middle Class” [Abstract]
Discussant: Jorrit Zwijnenburg (Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development)Presentation
Session 4B: Dealing with Non-Market Services (Room Bellevue 2)
Organizer and Chair: Nancy Folbre (University of Massachusetts Amherst, United States)
1. Joachim Merz (Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Research Institute on Professions, Germany) and Normen Peters (Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Research Institute on Professions, Germany), “Subjective Well-Being, Parental Child Care and Income: A Multidimensional Polarization Approach” [Abstract]
Discussant: Thesia Garner (Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States)Presentation
2. Anindita Sengupta (University of Burdwan, India), “Measurement of Unpaid Household Work of Women in India: A Case Study of Hooghly District of West Bengal” [Abstract]
Discussant: Jooyeoun Suh (Centre for Time Use Research, University of Oxford, United Kingdom)Presentation
3. Jim Been (Leiden University and the Network of Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement, Netherlands) and Stefan Thewissen (Institute for New Economic Thinking, University of Oxford, United Kingdom), “Childcare Subsidies, Home Production, and Extended Income” [Abstract]
Discussant: Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia (Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States)Presentation
Break 15:30-16:00
4. Anupama Uppal (Punjabi University, India), “Evaluating Non-Market Services of the Households in India through SAM” [Abstract]
Discussant: Jooyeoun Suh (Centre for Time Use Research, University of Oxford, United Kingdom)Presentation
5. Peter Van De Ven (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) and Jorrit Zwijnenburg (Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development), “A Satellite Account for Unpaid Activities: A First Step Towards Integration in the System of National Accounts” [Abstract] [Tables]
Discussant: Barbara Fraumeni (Central University for Finance and Economics, China)Presentation
Session 4C: Globalization, Growth and Jobs II (Room Bellevue 3)
Organizers: Deb Kusum Das (University of Delhi, India) and Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia (Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States)
Chair: Brian Sliker (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States)
1. Isabelle Rémond-Tiedrez (Eurostat) and Antonio F Amores (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Prospective and Technological Studies, Spain), “Development of a Quality Adjusted Labour Productivity Index in the European Union – Example of the Employment Embodied in European Exports” [Abstract]
Discussant: Stefan Pahl (University of Groningen, Netherlands)Presentation
2. Aobo Jiang (University of Groningen, Groningen Growth and Development Centre, GGDC, Netherlands), Sabastien Miroudot (Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development), and Gaaitzen de Vries (University of Groningen, Groningen Growth and Development Centre, GGDC, and Faculty of Economics and Business, the Netherlands), “Offshoring and the Functional Structure of Labour Demand in Advanced Economies” [Abstract]
Discussant: Catia Montagna (University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom)Presentation
3. Stefan Pahl (University of Groningen, Groningen Growth and Development Centre, GGDC, Netherlands), “Economic Development under Global Production Fragmentation: Value Added in Exports of 93 Countries between 1970 and 2008” [Abstract]
Discussant: Dylan Rassier (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States)Presentation
Break 15:30-16:00
4. Wendy Li (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States), “New Technology Indicator for Technological Progress”[Abstract]
Discussant: Wulong Gu (Statistics Canada)Presentation
Session 4D: Well-Being II (Board Room 1)
Organizer: Albert Braakmann (Federal Statistical Office of Germany)
Chair: Sibylle von Oppeln-Bronikowsky (Federal Statistical Office of Germany)
1. Mary O’Mahony (King’s College London, United Kingdom) and Lea Samek (King’s College London, United Kingdom), “Health and Human Capital” [Abstract]
Discussant: Barbara Fraumeni (Central University for Finance and Economics, China)Presentation
2. Daniel Kuehnhenrich (Federal Statistical Office of Germany) and Susanne Michalik (Federal Statistical Office of Germany), “Are Citizens and Businesses (Dis)satisfied with the Public Administration in Germany?” [Abstract]
Discussant: Philip Hoskins (Memorial University, Canada)Presentation
3. Ranjan Ray (Monash University, Australia), Amita Majumder (Indian Statitical Institute), and Sattwik Santra (Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, India), “Preferences, Purchasing Power Parity, and Inequality: Analytical Framework, Propositions, and Empirical Evidence” [Abstract]
Discussant: John Verrinder (Eurostat)Presentation
Break 15:30-16:00
4. Gordon Anderson (University of Toronto, Canada), “Polarization and Convergence: Measurement in the Absence of Cardinality” [Abstract]
Discussant: Nicholas Rohde (Griffith University, Australia)Presentation
5. Nicholas Rohde (Griffith University, Australia), Kam Tang (University of Queensland, Australia), Lars Osberg (Dalhousie University, Canada), Conchita D’Ambrosio (University of Luxembourg), and Prasada Rao (University of Queensland, Australia), “Welfare Based Measures of Income Insecurity in Fixed Effects Models” [Abstract]
Discussant: Tobias Schmidt (Deutsche Bundesbank)Presentation
Session 4F: Meeting the Measurement Challenges of Official Statistics Offices II (Room Leipzig)
Organizers: Albert Braakmann (Federal Statistical Office of Germany), Mark De Haan (Statistics Netherlands), and Marshall Reinsdorf (International Monetary Fund)
Chair: Alice Nakamura (University of Alberta, Canada)
1. Kyoji Fukao (Hitotsubashi University, Japan), Taisuke Kameda (Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, Japan), Kota Nakamura (Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, Japan), Masahiro Sato (Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, Japan), and Ryoichi Namba (Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, Japan), “Measurement of Deflators and Real Value Added in the Service Sector” [Abstract]
Discussant: Arjan Bruil (Statistics Netherlands)Presentation
2. Tomas Zelinsky and Francisco Azpitarte (Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, University of Melbourne, Australia), “On the Robustness of Multidimensional Poverty Orderings in the EU” [Abstract]
Discussant: Arjan Bruil (Statistics Netherlands)Presentation
3. Deb Kusum Das (University of Delhi, India), Abdul Azeez Erumban (The Conference Board and University of Groningen, Netherlands), and Pilu Chandra Das (University of Delhi, India), “Productivity Dynamics in Indian Industries – Input Reallocation and Structural Change” [Abstract]
Discussant: Harry X. Wu (Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, Japan)
Break 15:30-16:00
4. Thomas von Brasch (Statistics Norway), Ådne Cappelen (Statistics Norway), and Diana-Cristina Iancu (Statistics Norway), “Measuring Labour Services: Quality-Adjusting the Entry and Exit of Workers” [Abstract]
Discussant: Harry X. Wu (Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, Japan)
17:30-18:30 Ruggles Memorial Lecture (Room Bellevue)
Organizer and Chair: Barbara Fraumeni (Central University for Finance and Economics, China)
Distinguished Speaker: Robert Groves, Provost, Georgetown University “One Way Forward for Official Statistics in the New Data World” [Abstract]
19:00-20:30 Dinner (Hotel Restaurant)
20:30- IARIW Annual Members Meeting (Room Bellevue)
9:00-21:00: Excursion
Session 5 (Plenary): New Approaches to Studying the Causes and Consequences of Poverty, Inequality, Polarization, and Social Conflict (Room Bellevue)
Organizers: Gordon Anderson (University of Toronto, Canada), Stephan Klasen (University of Gottingen, Netherlands), and Roberto Zelli (University of Rome, Italy)
Chair: Roberto Zelli (University of Rome, Italy)
1. Stefan Humer (Institute for Monetary and Fiscal Policy, Vienna University of Economics, Austria), “Inheritances in the Long Run” [Abstract]
Discussant: Gordon Anderson (University of Toronto)Presentation
2. Marina Gindelsky (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States), “Will Inequality Continue to Rise? Forecasting Income Inequality in the United States” [Abstract]
Discussant: Thesia Garner (Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States)Presentation
3. Richard Bluhm (Leibniz University Hannover, Germany) and Melanie Krause (Universitat Hamburg, Germany), “Top Lights – Bright Spots and their Contribution to Economic Development” [Abstract]
Discussant: Gordon Anderson (University of Toronto, Canada)Presentation
Break 10:30-11:00
4. Alexander Sohn (University of Gottingen, Netherlands), “The Gender Earnings Rift Assessing Hourly Earnings Distributions of Males and Females using Structured Additive Distributional Regression” [Abstract]
Discussant: Stephan Klasen (University of Gottingen, Germany)Presentation
5. Jan Goebel (German Institute for Economic Research, DIW Berlin, SOEP study, Germany) and Martin Gornig (German Institute for Economic Research, DIW Berlin, Germany), “Deindustrialization and the Polarization of Household Incomes: The Example of Urban Agglomerations in Germany” [Abstract]
Discussant: Stephan Klasen (University of Gottingen, Germany)Presentation
6. Melanie Krause (Hamburg University, Germany), “The Millennium Peak in Club Convergence – A New Look at Distributional Changes in the Wealth of Nations” [Abstract]
Discussant: Maria Grazia Pittau (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)Presentation
12:30-14:00 Lunch (Hotel Restaurant)
Session 6A: Accounting for Real Estate (Room Bellevue 1)
Organizers: Tjeerd Jellema (European Central Bank) and Peter van de Ven (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
Chairs: Tjeerd Jellema (European Central Bank)
1. Jens Mehrhoff (German Central Bank), and Elena Triebskorn (Deutsche Bundesbank), “Commercial Property Prices: What Should be Measured” [Abstract]
Discussant: W. Erwin Diewert (University of British Columbia, Canada) [Presentation]Presentation
2. W. Erwin Diewert (University of British Columbia, Canada) and Chihiro Shimizu (National University of Singapore), “Hedonic Regression Models for Tokyo Condominium Sales” [Abstract]
Discussant: Jens Mehrhoff (Deutsche Bundesbank)Presentation
3. Michael Scholz (University of Graz, Austria), Robert J. Hill (University of Graz , Austria), and Alicia Rambaldi (University of Queensland, Australia), ” Weekly Hedonic House Price Indexes: An Imputation Approach with Geospatial Splines and Kalman Filters” [Abstract]
Discussant: Jens Mehrhoff (Deutsche Bundesbank)Presentation
Break 15:30-16:00
4. Alicia N. Rambaldi (University of Queensland, Australia), Ryan R. J. McAllister (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO, Australia), and Cameron S. Fletcher (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO, Australia), “Decoupling Land Values in Residential Property Prices: Smoothing Methods for Hedonic Imputed Price Indices” [Abstract]
Discussant: Marshall Reinsdorf (International Monetary Fund)Presentation
5. Stefanie J. Huber (Pompeu Fabra University, Spain) and Tobias Schmidt (Deutsche Bundesbank), “Cross-Country Differences in Homeownership: A Cultural Phenomenon?” [Abstract]
Discussant: Alicia N. Rambaldi (University of Queensland, Australia)Presentation
6. Carolin Fritzsche (Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, ifo Institute, Germany) and Lars Vandrei (Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, ifo Institute, Germany), “The German Real Estate Transfer Tax: Effects on Liquidity and Timing on the Market for Residential Housing” [Abstract]
Discussant: Alicia N. Rambaldi (University of Queensland, Australia)Presentation
Session 6B: The Ageing Society (Room Bellevue 2)
Organizers: Barbara Fraumeni (Central University for Finance and Economics, China) and Peter van de Ven (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
Chairs: Peter van de Ven (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
1. Yoko Niimi (Asian Growth Research Institute, Japan), “The Costs of Informal Care: An Analysis of the Impact of Elderly Care on Caregivers’ Subjective Well-Being in Japan” [Abstract]
Discussant: Nancy Folbre (University of Massachusetts Amherst, United States)Presentation
2. Ricky Kanabar (Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex, United Kingdom), “In or Out? Poverty Dynamics Among Older Individuals in the UK” [Abstract]
Discussant: Maria A. Davia (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain) Presentation
3. Luca Rebeggiani (Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT, Germany), Lena Calahorrano (Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT, Germany), Sven Stöwhase (Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT, Germany), and Martin Teuber (Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT, Germany), “Demographic Change and Tax Revenues – Results from a Large Microsimulation Model for Germany” [Abstract]
Discussant: Richard Bluhm (Leibniz University Hannover, Germany) and Melanie Krause (Universitat Hamburg, Germany) Presentation
Break 15:30-16:00
4. Michael C Wolfson (University of Ottawa, Canada) and Bonnie-Jeanne MacDonald (University of Ottawa, Canada), “Population Aging and Fiscal Sustainability – The Intersection of Retirement Income Adequacy and Health Care Costs Associated with Disability” [Abstract]
Discussant: Geranda Notten (University of Ottawa, Canada) Presentation
5. Jorge Friedman (University of Santiago, Chile), Antonio Friedman (University of Santiago, Chile), Tomás A. Gálvez (University of Santiago, Chile), Carlos Yevenes (University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States), “Understanding Why Seniors Stay or Exit the Labour Market – Evidence from the Chilean Pension Reform” [Abstract]
Discussants: Stefan Thewissen (Institute for New Economic Thinking, University of Oxford, United Kingdom) and Jim Been (Leiden University and the Network of Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement, Netherlands) Presentation
6. Surajit Deb (University of Delhi, India), “The Provincial Pattern of Population Ageing and Household Saving in China” [Abstract]
Discussant: Bjorn A. Gustafsson (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Session 6C: Explaining Productivity Trends I (Room Bellevue 3)
Organizers: Nicholas Oulton (London School of Economics, United Kingdom) and Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia (Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States)
Chair: Nicholas Oulton (London School of Economics, United Kingdom)
1. Cecilia Jona Lasinio (LUISS Lab and ISTAT, Italy), Carol Corrado (The Conference Board, Unites States), Jonathan Haskel (Imperial College, United Kingdom), Massimiliano Iommi (LUISS Lab and ISTAT, Italy), and Mary O’Mahony (King’s College, United Kingdom), “Sources of Country-Industry Productivity Growth: Total factor Productivity, Intangible Capital and Inputs Reallocation in the EU15 and the US” [Abstract]
Discussant: Ilya Voskoboynikov (National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia) Presentation
2. Wulong Gu (Statistics Canada), “Explaining Productivity Trends in Canada” [Abstract]
Discussant: Rachel H Soloveichik (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States) Presentation
3. Leonard Nakamura (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, United States), Jon Samuels (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States), and Rachel Soloveichik (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States) “Valuing ‘Free’ Media in GDP: An Experimental Approach” [Abstract]
Discussant: Cecilia Jona Lasinio (LUISS Lab and ISTAT, Italy) Presentation
Break 15:30-16:00
4. Robert Inklaar (University of Groningen, Netherlands) and W. Erwin Diewert (University of British Columbia, Canada), “Measuring Industry Productivity Across Time and Space and Cross Country Convergence” [Abstract]
Discussant: Kyoji Fukoa (Hitotsubashi University, Japan) Presentation
5. Harry X Wu (Hitotsubashi University, Japan) and Zhongwen Zhang (Peking University, China), “Measuring and Explaining Resource Misallocation Across Industries and its Impact on China’s Aggregate TFP Growth” [Abstract]
Discussant: W. Erwin Diewert (University of British Columbia, Canada)Presentation
6. Harald Edquist (Ericsson Research, Sweden) and Magnus Henrekson (Research Institute of Industrial Economics, IFN, Stockholm, Sweden), “Swedish Lessons: How Important are ICT and R&D to Economic Growth” [Abstract]
Discussant: Mary O’Mahony (King’s College London, United Kingdom) Presentation
Session 6D: Household Wealth II (Board Room 1)
Organizers: Brian Bucks (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, United States) and Tjeerd Jellema (European Central Bank)
Chair: Brian Bucks (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, United States)
1. Junyi Zhu (Deutsche Bundesbank), “Asking Flexible Disaggregate Income – Gross or Net Income – vs Single Total Question” [Abstract]
Discussant: David Johnson (University of Michigan, United States) Presentation
2. Eva Sierminska (Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research), Daniela Piazzalunga (University of Turin, Italy), and Markus Grabka (German Institute for Economic Research), “Wealth Gender Differences: The Changing Role of Explanatory Factors Over Time” [Abstract]
Discussant: David Johnson (University of Michigan, United States) Presentation
3. Pirmin Fessler (National Bank of Austria) and Martin Schurz (National Bank of Austria), “Private Wealth Across European Countries: The Role of Income, Inheritance and the Welfare State” [Abstract]
Discussant: Celestino Giron (European Central Bank) Presentation
Break 15:30-16:00
4. Jonathan Fisher (Stanford University, United States), David S. Johnson (University of Michigan, United States), Timothy M. Smeeding (University of Wisconsin, United States), and Jeffrey P. Thompson (United States Federal Reserve Board of Governors), “Inequality in 3D: Income, Consumption and Wealth” [Abstract]
Discussant: Celestino Giron (European Central Bank) Presentation
5. Francisca Uribe (Central Bank of Chile) and Felipe Esteban Martinez (Central Bank of Chile), “Determinants of Household Position in the Wealth Distribution in Chilean Households” [Abstract]
Discussant: Jorrit Zwijnenburg (Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development) Presentation
6. Vladimir Hlasny (Ewha Womans University, Seoul and United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, South Korea) and Vito Intini (United Nations Capital Development Fund, New York, United States), “Representativeness of Top Expenditures in Arab Region Household Surveys” [Abstract]
Discussant: Jorrit Zwijnenburg (Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development) Presentation
Session 6E: Research Statistics Required to Support Higher Education Decision Making (Board Room 2)
Organizer: Albert Braakmann (Federal Statistical Office of Germany)
Chair: Gordon Anderson (University of Toronto, Canada)
1. Weiyang (Nancy) Kong (Dalhousie University, Canada) and Shelley Phipps (Dalhousie University, Canada), “Parental Economic Insecurity and Children’s Non-Cognitive Skills: A Panel Study of 2 to 5 year-olds in Canada” [Abstract]
Discussant: Jan Goebel (German Institute for Economic Research, DIW Berlin)
2. Elise S. Brezis (Aharon Meir Center for Banking and Economic Policy, Bar-Ilan University, Israel) and Gilad Brand (Bar-Ilan University and The Taub Center for Social Policy Studies, Israel), “The Effects Of Education On Labor Productivity: Differences Between Tradable And Non-Tradable Industries” [Abstract]
Discussant: Bert Balk (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Netherlands)
3. Takashi Yamashita (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States), “Production and Consumption of Tertiary Education Services” [Abstract]
Discussant: Pascal Schmidt (Federal Statistical Office of Germany)
Break 15:30-16:00
4. Joseph Marchand (University of Alberta, Canada), “The College Spike in Poverty” [Abstract]
Discussant: Prasada Rao (University of Queensland, Australia)
5. Ross E. Finnie (University of Ottawa, Canada), “Barista or Better? New Evidence on the Earnings of Post-Secondary Education Graduates: A Tax Linkage Approach” [Abstract]
Discussant: Roger Wilkins (University of Melbourne, Australia)
6. Alice Nakamura (University of Alberta, Canada), Arthur Sweetman (McMaster University, Canada), Kyle Phong (University of Alberta, Canada), Philip Davidson (University of Alberta, Canada), Kevin Lang (Boston University, United States) and Leonard Nakamura (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, United States), “Estimating the Net Benefits of Bachelor Degrees: Data Challenges and Importance” [Abstract]
Discussant: Mitsuhiko Iyoda (Momoyama Gakuin University, Japan)
Session 6F: Meeting the Measurement Challenges of Official Statistics Offices III (Room Elbterrasse)
Organizers: Albert Braakmann (Federal Statistical Office of Germany) and Mark de Haan (Statistics Netherlands)
Chair: Albert Braakmann (Federal Statistical Office of Germany)
1. Stefan Thewissen (Institute for New Economic Thinking, University of Oxford, United Kingdom), Brian Nolan (Institute for New Economic Thinking, University of Oxford, United Kingdom), and Max Roser (Institute for New Economic Thinking, University of Oxford, United Kingdom), “GDP Per Capita Versus Median Household Income: What Gives Rise to Divergence Over Time?” [Abstract]
Discussant: Andrew Sharpe (Centre for the Study of Living Standards, Canada)
2. Utz Peter Reich (Mainz University of Applied Sciences, Germany), “Accounting for International Trade in Value Added: Some Comments on the OECD-WTO Project” [Abstract]
Discussant: Dylan Rassier (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States)
3. Ilya B. Voskoboynikov (National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia), “Accounting for Russia’s Growth in 1961-2012” [Abstract]
Discussant: Joseph Haynes (Statistics Netherlands)
Break 15:30-16:00
4. Robert Dippelsman (International Monetary Fund), Chris Hinchcliffe (International Monetary Fund), Marshall B. Reinsdorf (International Monetary Fund), and Michael Stanger (International Monetary Fund), “Guide to Analyze Natural Resources in National Accounts” [Abstract]
Discussant: Sanjiv Mahajan (Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom)
5. Charles Yuji Horioka (Asian Growth Research Institute, Japan) and Yoko Niimi (Asian Growth Research Institute, Japan), “The Impact of Intergenerational Transfers on Household Wealth Disparities in Japan and the United States”[Abstract]
Discussant: Dylan Rassier (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States)
Second Poster Session PS2 (Bankett Foyer, Room Bellevue)
PS2.1: Natural Resources/Sustainability
Susanne Schnorr-Backer (Federal Statistical Office of Germany), “Statistical Monitoring Systems to Inform Policy Decision-Making, and New Data Sources” [Abstract]
PS2.2: Non-Market Services and Transfers
Surajit Deb (University of Delhi, India), “The Nexus Between Disability and Poverty: Analysis Based on Aggregate States Data in India” [Abstract]
Akimasa Katsura (Momoyama Gakuin University, Japan), “SNA Bank (Depository Corporation) Output Measurement Method and Copernican Change—Fallacy of Composition and Marketable Lending Service” [Abstract]
PS2.3: Poverty and Exclusion
Harpreet Kaur and Anupama Uppal (Punjabi University, India), “The Valuation of Unpaid Activities and Measuring Well Being: A Time Use Analysis” [Abstract]
Jaspreet Kaur (Punjabi University, India), “Economics of Poverty, Inequality, Conflict and Resulting Impact on Well-Being” [Abstract]
Suska Suska (University of York, United Kingdom), “Income Mobility in Indonesia in Pre and Post Monetary Crisis 1998 and the Determinants” [Abstract]
PS2.4: Price Indexes and Deflators
Yongheng Deng (National University of Singapore), Xiangyu Guo (National University of Singapore), Daniel McMillen (National University of Singapore) and Chihiro Shimizu (National University of Singapore) “Quantile Regression and the Decomposition of House Price Distribution” [Abstract]
PS2.5: Productivity and Capacity Utilization
Marc Ingo Wolter (Institute of Economic Structures Research (GWS), Gemany), Thomas Drosdowski (Institute of Economic Structures Research (GWS), Germany) and Britta Stöver (Institute of Economic Structures Research (GWS), Germany), “Measuring the Conditions for Participation in Germany for the Next Few Years” [Abstract]
Surajit Sengupta (University of Burdwan, India) and Ratan Kumar Ghosal (University of Calcutta, India), “Productivity Growth, Technological Diffusion and Globalization – Cointegration and Causality” [Abstract]
Ildikó Ritzlné Kazimir (Hungarian Central Statistical Office), Bálint Murai (Hungarian Central Statistical Office), Klára Anwar (Hungarian Central Statistical Office), Anikó Száraz (Hungarian Central Statistical Office), and Anikó Salamon (Hungarian Central Statistical Office), “Analysis of Productivity Trends in ‘Manufacture of Motor Vehicles’ Industry in Hungary Between 1995 and 2014” [Abstract] Winner of the Prize for Best Poster
PS2.7: Tax and Transfer Programs of Governments
Amarjit Singh Sethi (Punjab School of Economics, India) and Harminder Singh Teja (Punjab School of Economics, India), “Does the Imbalance in Growth-Job Pattern Influence Fiscal Health? Experience of the Major Indian States”[Abstract]
Junyi Zhu (Deutsche Bundesbank), “Bracket Creep Revisited – With and Without r>g: Evidence from Germany”[Abstract]
Rachel H Soloveichik (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States) and Jon Samuels (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States), “Local Government as a Homeowners Association: Implications for GDP and Productivity” [Abstract]
PS2.9: Well-being and Welfare of Persons
Georgiana Ivan (Eurostat), “Subjective Well-Being in the European Union” [Abstract]
Britta Stöver (Institute of Economic Structures Research (GWS), Germany) and Thomas Drosdowski (Institute of Economic Structures Research (GWS), Germany), “Tax Reforms and their Varying Impacts on Private Households in Germany: Socio-economic Modelling Opportunities in a Macro-econometric Input-Output Model” [Abstract]
Maria C. Lo Bue (University of Göttingen, Germany, and University of Verona, Italy) and Rajius Idzalika (University of Göttingen, Germany), “Opportunities in Education: Are Factors Outside Individual Responsibility Really Persistent? Evidence from Indonesia 1997-2007” [Abstract]
19:00-21:00 Dinner (Hotel Restaurant)
20:00- IARIW Council Meeting (By Invitation) (Room Goldener Reiter)
Session 7A: Accounting for Finance in the Economy and the SNA I (Room Bellevue 1)
Organizers: Robert Inklaar (University of Groningen, Netherlands) and Marshall Reinsdorf (International Monetary Fund)
Chair: Robert Inklaar (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
1. Kyle K Hood (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States), and Margaret Lumsden (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States), “Casting Light on Shadow Banking: Measuring Implicitly Priced Services of Private Asset Backed Securities Issuers” [Abstract]
Discussant: Peter van de Ven (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) Presentation
2. Paul den Boer (Statistics Netherlands), “Shadow Banking in the Dutch National Accounts” [Abstract]
Discussant: Kyle Hood (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States) Presentation
3. Russell C Krueger (International Monetary Fund – Retired), “Some Notes on Islamic Finance in the National Accounts” [Abstract]
Discussant: Celestino Giron (European Central Bank) Presentation
Break 10:30-11:00
4. Dylan G Rassier (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States), “Fair Value Accounting and Measures of US Corporate Profits for Financial Institutions” [Abstract]
Discussant: Rob Dippelsman (International Monetary Fund) Presentation
5. Bertrand Groslambert (Skema Business School, France), Olivier Bruno (Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, GREDEG-CNRS, SKEMA Business School and OFCE-DRIC, France), and Raphael Chiappini (Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, GREDEG-CNRS, France), “Liquidity Matters: Addressing the Puzzle of Negative Bank Output on Loans” [Abstract]
Discussant: Paul den Boer (Statistics Netherlands)
Session 7B: New Approaches to Studying the Causes and Consequences of Poverty, Inequality, Polarization, and Social Conflict (Room Bellevue 2)
Organizers: Gordon Anderson (University of Toronto, Canada), Stephan Klasen (University of Gottingen, Netherlands), and Roberto Zelli (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
Chair: Stephan Klasen (University of Gottingen, Germany)
1. Guido Neidhofer (Free University of Berlin, Germany), “Intergenerational Mobility and the Rise and Fall Of Inequality: Lessons from Latin America” [Abstract]
Discussant: Marina Gindelsky (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States) Presentation
2. Maria A. Davia (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain) and Nuria Legazpe (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain), “Cross-Country Differences in Intergenerational Transmission of Poverty in Europe: Macro-Economic and Institutional Determinants” [Abstract]
Discussant: Richard Bluhm (Leibniz University Hannover, Germany) Presentation
3. Phuc Van Phan (University of Wollongong, Australia), Martin O’Brien (University of Wollongong, Australia) and Silvia Mendolia (University of Wollongong, Australia), “Does the Pro-Poor Financial Package Work? Evidence from Vietnam” [Abstract]
Discussant: Roberto Zelli (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy) Presentation
Break 10:30-11:00
4. Christophe Muller (Aix-Marseille University, France), “Priority-Based Multidimensional Poverty” [Abstract]
Discussant: Gordon Anderson (University of Toronto, Canada) Presentation
5. Petra Sauer (WU Vienna, Institute for Macroeconomics, Austria), Narasimha Rao (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria), and Shonali Pachauri (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria), “Explaining Income Inequality Trends in Countries: An Integrated Approach” [Abstract]
Discussants: Roberto Zelli (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy) Presentation
6. Nicolai Suppa (Technical University of Dortmund, Germany), “Transitions in Deprivations and Poverty” [Abstract]
Discussants: Stephan Klasen (University of Gottingen, Netherlands)
Session 7C: Explaining Productivity Trends II (Room Bellevue 3)
Organizer and Chair: Mary O’Mahony (King’s College London, United Kingdom)
1. Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia (Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States), Lucia Foster (Bureau of the Census, United States), Cheryl Grim (Bureau of the Census, United States), Jay Stewart (Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States), Zoltan Wolf (Bureau of the Census, United States), and Cindy Zoghi (Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States), “Dispersion in Dispersion: Measuring Establishment-Level Differences in Productivity” [Abstract]
Discussant: Bernd Görzig (German Institute for Economic Research, DIW Berlin, Germany) Presentation
2. Cecilia Jona Lasinio (LUISS Lab and ISTAT, Italy), Carol Corrado (The Conference Board, United States), and Jonathan Haskel (Imperial College, United Kingdom), “Spillovers from Public Intangibles” [Abstract]
Discussant: Thomas Niebel (Centre for European Economic Research, Germany) Presentation
3. Nicholas Oulton (Centre for Macroeconomics, London School of Economics, United Kingdom), “The Mystery of TFP”[Abstract]
Discussant: Marcel Timmer (Groningen Growth and Development Centre, Netherlands)
Break 10:30-11:00
4. Wen Chen (University of Groningen, Netherlands), “Cross-Country Income Differences Revisited: Accounting for the Role of Intangible Capital” [Abstract]
Discussant: Wendy Li (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States) Presentation
5. Kyoji Fukao (Hitotsubashi University, NISTEP, and RIETI, Japan), René Belderbos (University of Leuven, Belgium, UNU-MERIT, Maastricht University, Netherlands, and NISTEP, Japan), Kenta Ikeuchi (NISTEP, Japan), Young Gak Kim (Senshu University and NISTEP, Japan), and Hyeog Ug Kwon (Nihon University, NISTEP, and RIETI, Japan), “Public and Private R&D Spillovers and Productivity at the Plant Level: Technological and Geographic Proximity” [Abstract]
Discussant: Harald Edquist (Ericsson Research, Sweden) Presentation
6. Erwin Diewert (University of British Columbia, Canada and University of New South Wales, Australia) and Kevin Fox (University of New South Wales, Australia), “A Decomposition of U.S. Business Sector TFP Growth into Technical Progress and Cost Efficiency Components” [Abstract]
Discussant: Bert Balk (Erasmus University, Netherlands) Presentation
Session 7D: Well-Being III (Board Room 1)
Organizers: Albert Braakmann (Federal Statistical Office of Germany) and Eva Sierminska (Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research)
Chair: Richard Tonkin (United Kingdom Office for National Statistics)
1. Katia Iglesias (University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland), Tugce Beycan (University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland), Christian Suter (University of Neuchatel, Switzerland), and B.P. Vani (Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, India), “Multidimensional Well-Being in Switzerland: Towards New Synthetic Measures for Social Reporting” [Abstract]
Discussant: Yadira Diaz (ISER, University of Essex, United Kingdom) Presentation
2. Geranda Notten (University of Ottawa, Canada), and Anne-Catherine Guio (Luxembourg Institute for Socio-economic Research), “By How Much Do Social Transfers Reduce Income Poverty and Material Deprivation in Europe? The Impact of Social Protection Transfers on the 2020 Social Inclusion Target” [Abstract]
Discussant: Lori Curtis (University of Waterloo, Canada)
3. Leonardo S. Oliveira (Institute of Geography and Statistics, Brazil), Viviane C.C. Quintaes (Institute of Geography and Statistics, Brazil), Luciana A. Dos Santos (Institute of Geography and Statistics, Brazil), and Debora F. De Souza (Institute of Geography and Statistics, Brazil), “The Expansion of Consumption and the Dynamics of Welfare of the Brazilian Families: An Analysis of the Decomposition of Poverty and Inequality” [Abstract]
Discussant: Jaspreet Kaur (Punjabi University, India) Presentation
Break 10:30-11:00
4. Conchita D’Ambrosio (Univeristy of Luxembourg), Andrew Clark (Paris School of Economics, France) and Simone Ghislandi (Bocconi University, Italy), “Poverty Comparisons” [Abstract]
Discussant: Lars Osberg (Dalhousie University, Canada) Presentation
5. Gabriel Kulomba Simbila (National Bureau Of Statistics, Tanzania), “Quality of Life, Poverty and Wellbeing in Rural Households: A Case of Tanzania” [Abstract]
Discussant: Joseph Marchand (University of Alberta, Canada) Presentation
6. Anna Szukielojc-Bienkunska (Central Statistical Office of Poland), Grazyna Marciniak (Central Statistical Office of Poland), and Tomasz Piasecki (Central Statistical Office of Poland), “Well-Being of Older People in Poland on the Basis of the CSO Surveys” [Abstract]
Discussant: Georgiana Ivan (Eurostat) Presentation
Session 7E: Household Income and Wealth: Distribution and Trends (Board Room 2)
Organizers: The Program Committee
Chair: Youngtai Kim (Bank of Korea)
1. Stephen P Jenkins (London School of Economics, United Kingdom), “Pareto Models Top Incomes, and Recent Trends in UK Income Inequality” [Abstract] [Online Appendix]
Discussant: Michael Wolfson (University of Ottawa, Canada) Presentation
2. Roger Kingsley Wilkins (University of Melbourne, Australia), Richard Valentine Burkhauser (Cornell University, United States, and University of Melbourne, Australia), Nicolas Herault (University of Melbourne, Australia), and Stephen P Jenkins (London School of Economics, United Kingdom), “Top Incomes and Inequality in the UK: Estimates from the Household Survey and Tax Return Data” [Abstract]
Discussant: Michael Wolfson (University of Ottawa, Canada) Presentation
3. Rachel H. Soloveichik (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States), “Including Valuables in Household Wealth”[Abstract]
Discussant: Barbara Fraumeni (Central University for Finance and Economics, China) Presentation
Break 10:30-11:00
4. Alan Fenna (Curtin University, Australia) and Alan D. Tapper (Curtin University, Australia), “Trends in Household Wealth-Adjusted Income in Australia” [Abstract]
Discussant: Stephen P Jenkins (London School of Economics, United Kingdom) Presentation
5. Gerlinde Verbist (Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy, University of Antwerp, Belgium), Francesco Figari (Department of Economics, University of Insubria, and Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex, United Kingdom), and Francesca Zantomio (Department of Economics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy), “Homeownership Taxation After the Great Recession Onset in Europe: Do Property Taxes Compensate for Income Tax Exemptions?” [Abstract]
Discussant: Tjeerd Jellema (European Central Bank) Presentation
6. Arjan Bruil (Statistics Netherlands), “Intergenerational Transfers in the National Transfer Accounts Framework”[Abstract]
Discussant: Ann Lisbet Brathaug (Statistics Norway) Presentation
Session 7F: Meeting the Measurement Challenges of Official Economics Statistics Offices IV (Room Elbterrasse)
Organizers: Albert Braakmann (Federal Statistical Office of Germany), Mark de Haan (Statistics Netherlands), and Marshall Reinsdorf (International Monetary Fund)
Chair: Marshall Reinsdorf (International Monetary Fund)
1. Leo Hiemstra (Statistics Netherlands), Stephen Chong (Statistics Netherlands), Ken Arentsen (Statistics Netherlands), and Maartje Kessels (Statistics Netherlands), “Measuring Global Production Arrangements in the Dutch National Accounts” [Abstract]
Discussant: Rob Dippelsman (International Monetary Fund) Presentation
2. Arto Kokkinen (European Commission, Luxembourg) and Hans Wouters (European Commission, Luxembourg), “Euro Area and European Union GDP Flash Estimates at 30 Days” [Abstract]
Discussant: Catherine Van Rompaey (Statistics Canada) Presentation
3. Nini Barth (Statistics Norway), Ådne Cappelen (Statistics Norway), Terje Skjerpen (Statistics Norway), Steinar Todsen (Statistics Norway), and Thom Åbyholm (Statistics Norway), “Expected Service Lives and Depreciation Profiles for Capital Assets: Evidence Based on a Survey of Norwegian Firms” [Abstract]
Discussant: Brian K Sliker (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States) Presentation
Break 10:30-11:00
4. Dylan G Rassier (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States), Melissa J Braybrooks (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States), Jason W. Chute (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States), and Howard I Krakower (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States), “Quasi-Corporations and Institutional Sectors in the US National Accounts”[Abstract]
Discussant: Nadim Ahmad (Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development) Presentation
5. Paolo Addis (University of Pisa, Italy), Alessandra Coli (University of Pisa, Italy) and Barbara Pacini (University of Pisa, Italy), “Welfare State and Local Government: The Impact of Decentralization on Well-Being” [Abstract]
Discussant: Anindita Sengupta (University of Burdwan, India) Presentation
6. Monica S. Nelson-Edberg (Statistics Sweden), “Research–Based, Factory-Less Enterprises” [Abstract]
Discussant: Teemu Koskiniemi (Statistics Finland) Presentation
12:30-14:00 Lunch (Hotel Restaurant)
Session 8A: Accounting for Finance in the Economy and the SNA II (Room Bellevue 1)
Organizer: Marshall Reinsdorf (International Monetary Fund)
Chair: Alice Nakamura (University of Alberta, Canada)
1. Robert Kornfeld (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States), Lisa Lynn (Department of Energy, United States), and Takashi Yamashita (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States), “Expanding the Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts’ Financial Sectors” [Abstract]
Discussant: Russell Krueger (International Monetary Fund – Retired)
2. Joseph Haynes (Statistics Netherlands), “Gambling and the National Accounts” [Abstract]
Discussant: Robert Inklaar (University of Groningen, Netherlands) Presentation
3. Itsuo Sakuma (Senshu University, Japan), Kazusuke Tsujimura (Keio University, Japan), and Masako Tsujimura (Rissho University, Japan), “The Value Added and Operating Surplus Deflators for Industries: The Right Price Indicators That Should Be Used to Calculate the Real Interest Rates” [Abstract]
Discussant: Nicholas Oulton (London School of Economics, United Kingdom) Presentation
Break 15:30-16:00
4. Ludovico Bracci (Italian National Statistical Institute), Silvia Fabiani (Bank of Italy) and Alberto Felettigh (Bank of Italy), “Trading Processing for Goods: A Different View from the Past on Italian Trade Flows?” [Abstract]
Discussant: Leo Hiemstra (Statistics Netherlands) Presentation
Session 8C: Globalization, Growth, and Jobs III (Room Bellevue 3)
Organizers: Deb Kusum Das (University of Delhi, India), Wendy Li (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States), and Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia (Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States)
Chair: Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia (Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States)
1. Ratan Kumar Ghosal (University of Calcutta, India), “Globalisation, Productivity Growth and Employment- A Cross Country Analysis” [Abstract]
Discussant: Jon Samuels (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States) Presentation
2. Harald Edquist (Ericsson Research, Sweden) and Magnus Henrekson (Research Institute of Industrial Economics, IFN, Stockholm, Sweden), “Do R&D and ICT Affect Total Factor Productivity Differently?” [Abstract]
Discussant: Leonard Nakamura (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, United States) Presentation
3. Anupama Uppal (Punjabi University, India), “Trends and Structure of Employment and Productivity in Unorganized Manufacturing Sector of India in Post-Reform Period” [Abstract]
Discussant: Deb Kusum Das (Ramjas College, University of Delhi, India) Presentation
Break 15:30-16:00
4. Ilya B. Voskoboynikov (National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia), “Productivity, Structural Change and Informality: the Case of Russia” [Abstract]
Discussant: Wulong Gu (Statistics Canada) Presentation
5. Bert Balk (Erasmus University, Netherlands) “Aggregate Productivity and Productivity of the Aggregate: Connecting the Bottom-Up and Top-Down Approaches” [Abstract]
Discussant: Erwin Diewert (University of British Columbia, Canada) Presentation
Session 8D: Well-Being IV (Board Room 1)
Organizer: Albert Braakmann (Federal Statistical Office of Germany)
Chair: Thomas Riede (Federal Statistical Office of Germany)
1. Emilio Di Meglio (Eurostat) and Agata Kaczmarek-Firth (Eurostat), “An Analysis of Detailed Income Components in EU-SILC” [Abstract]
Discussant: Peter van de Ven (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) Presentation
2. Masashi Hoshino (Chubu Region Institute for Social and Economic Research, Japan), “Tolerance for Income Inequality in Rural China” [Abstract]
Discussant: Sarah Kuypers (University of Antwerp, Belgium) Presentation
3. Mahmoud Mohamed ElSarawy (Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics, CAPMAS, Egypt), “Use of New Technique to Measure Wellbeing Index for North Africa Countries in Year 2012 (A Comparison Study)” [Abstract]
Discussant: Aneta Erdie (Bureau of the Census, United States)
Break 15:30-16:00
4. Kseniya Abanokova (National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia) and Michael Lokshin (World Bank), “The Effect of Adjustment for Household Size and Composition on Poverty Estimates in Russia” [Abstract]
Discussant: Conchita d’Ambrosio (University of Luxembourg)
5. Melanie Borah (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany), Andreas Knabe (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany) and Carina Kuhställer (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany), “Reference Income Effects in the Determination of Equivalence Scales Using Income Satisfaction Data” [Abstract]
Discussant: David Johnson (University of Michigan, United States) Presentation
Session 8F: Meeting the Measurement Challenges of Official Statistics Offices V (Room Elbterrasse)
Organizers: Albert Braakmann (Federal Statistical Office of Germany), Mark de Haan (Statistics Netherlands), and Marshall Reinsdorf (International Monetary Fund)
Chair: Andrey E. Kosarev (CIS-Stat, Russia)
1. Gang Liu (Statistics Norway), “A Stylized Satellite Account for Human Capital” [Abstract]
Discussant: Barbara Fraumeni (Central University for Finance and Economics, China) Presentation
2. Brian K Sliker (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States), “Capital Accounting for Rapidly Obsolescing One-Hoss Shay Individuals in Geometric Cohorts” [Abstract]
Discussant: Marshall Reinsdorf (International Monetary Fund)
3. Philip Hoskins and Douglas May (Memorial University, Canada), “The Determinants of Life Satisfaction” [Abstract]
Discussant: Rachel H Soloveichik (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States) Presentation
Break 15:30-16:00
4. Lucia Foster (Bureau of the Census, United States) and Aneta Eride (Bureau of the Census, United States), “The Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs: An Introduction” [Abstract]
Discussant: Mary O’Mahony (King’s College London, United Kingdom) Presentation
5. Bernd Görzig and Martin Gornig (German Institute for Economic Research, DIW Berlin), “The Capital Value of a Team and Depreciation on Organizational Capital” [Abstract]
Discussants: Erich Oltmanns (German Federal Statistical Office) Presentation
17:15-18:00 IARIW Presidential Address (Room Bellevue)
Barbara Fraumeni (Central University for Finance and Economics, China) “Opportunities for Human Capital Measurement”
19:00 Departure of Busses for Farewell Dinner at Castle Albrechtsberg
Departure of Delegates