Part I: Well-being and Sustainability
Chair: Peter van de Ven (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development)
Catherine Van Rompaey (Statistics Canada)
2. Distributional Indicators of Income, Consumption and Wealth in a National Accounts Framework
Jorrit Zwijnenburg (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development)
3. Well-being Indicators of Health and Social Conditions
Dylan Rassier (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States)
4. Accounts for the Environment and Sustainability
Mark de Haan (Statistics Netherlands)
Discussant: Katherine Abraham (University of Maryland, United States) (all papers)
Discussion and Response by the Authors
Break (15 minutes)
Part II: Digitalization and Globalization
Chair: Gabriel Quirós (International Monetary Fund)
1. Recommendations of the Subgroup on Digitalization
Erich Strassner (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States)
Discussant: Eric Santor (Bank of Canada)
Jennifer Ribarsky (International Monetary Fund), Michael Connolly (Ireland Central Statistics Office), Padma Hurree-Gobin (International Monetary Fund), Margarida Martins (International Monetary Fund), and Paul Roberts (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
Discussant: Sam Kortum (Yale University, United States)
Discussion and Response by the Authors