IARIW Digital Session on the SNA Update and Related International Standards, Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Organized by Marshall Reinsdorf (IMF and IARIW).The session took place from 2PM to 5:15PM in Western Europe and from 8AM to 11:15AM in eastern United States. For times in other time zones, consult this link.

Part I: Well-being and Sustainability
Chair: Peter van de Ven (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development)

1. Additional Indicators of Well-being and Sustainability for Macroeconomic Statistics, Partial Reference to Unpaid Work

Catherine Van Rompaey (Statistics Canada)

Author Slides

2. Distributional Indicators of Income, Consumption and Wealth in a National Accounts Framework

Jorrit Zwijnenburg (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development)

Author Slides

3. Well-being Indicators of Health and Social Conditions

Dylan Rassier (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States)

Author Slides

4. Accounts for the Environment and Sustainability

Mark de Haan (Statistics Netherlands)

Author Slides

Discussant: Katherine Abraham (University of Maryland, United States) (all papers)

Discussant Slides

Discussion and Response by the Authors


Break (15 minutes)


Part II: Digitalization and Globalization
Chair: Gabriel Quirós (International Monetary Fund)

1. Recommendations of the Subgroup on Digitalization

Erich Strassner (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States)

Author Slides

Discussant: Eric Santor (Bank of Canada)

Discussant Slides

2. Towards an Update of the Balance of Payments and System of National Accounts Manuals: How Can We Effectively Deal with Globalization and Multinational Enterprises in Macroeconomic Statistics?

Jennifer Ribarsky (International Monetary Fund), Michael Connolly (Ireland Central Statistics Office), Padma Hurree-Gobin (International Monetary Fund), Margarida Martins (International Monetary Fund), and Paul Roberts (Australian Bureau of Statistics)

Author Slides

Discussant: Sam Kortum (Yale University, United States)

Discussant Slides

Discussion and Response by the Authors