IARIW Session at the 2015 World Statistics Conference Sponsored by the International Statistical Institute, Rio de Janeiro, July 26-31, 2015


More information on the Conference available here

Invited Paper Session 071: IARIW Session on Developments in Income Inequality Across the World


  • Organizer: Andrew Sharpe (IARIW and Centre for the Study of Living Standards) and Peter Van de Ven (OECD)
  • Chair: Andrew Sharpe (IARIW and Centre for the Study of Living Standards)

1. Martine Durand (OECD) and Fabrice Murtin (OECD), “The Relationship Between Income and Wealth Inequality: Evidence from the New OECD Wealth Distribution Database” [Abstract]

2. Francisco Ferreira (World Bank and the Institute for the Study of Labor), Christopher Lakner (World Bank), Maris Ana Lugo (World Bank) and Berk Ozler (University of Otago and the World Bank), “Inequality of Opportunity and Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Analysis” [Abstract] [Presentation Slides]

3.Brian Nolan (University of Oxford), Lane Kenworthy (UC San Diego), Tim Smeeding (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Stefan Thewissen (University of Oxford) and Stefan Max Roser (University of Oxford), “Rising Inequality in OECD Countries: How Does the Middle Class Fare?” [Abstract] [Presentation Slides]